Bark Williams – for love of Dog

Posted by on May 6, 2010 in Santa Monica | One Comment

I want to take a moment to say how wonderful I think Bark Williams is. Located on 30th St. and Ocean Park Boulevard, this self-dog-wash store is sedate and smells good, sells natural treats and practical leashes and collars, and is run by a mellow, helpful store manager named Charles. My dogs are not high-maintenance in their grooming needs, so I don’t need to trim them. Bark Williams doesn’t allow trimming on the premises. What we have been doing once a month is bringing in our two dogs and giving them the oatmeal bath, clipping their nails while they’re still wet, wiping them down with the chamois towels that are provided by Charles and company. We end up using the teeth and ear wipes to complete the pooch-washing process, and then using the high-power blow dryer to finish. It’s wonderful not to have hair and water all over my small house, and it really beats the $100-$150 I used to spend on strangers manhandling my dogs in a big grooming truck in the alley.

Bathing two dogs in two tubs cost me just under $30. Two furry paws up for Bark Williams!! And when you’re done, go around the corner to Ocean Park and get in line for a burger and beer at the Counter. You’ve earned it.

Bark Williams
2901 Ocean Park Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
(310) 664-7009

1 Comment

  1. Pressure Sensors :
    October 27, 2010

    we always buy our dog supplies from the local retailer which gives us a good deal of discount”,’


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