Making a fortune on adultery
It takes a lot of money to advertise on CNN. I’ve been watching Anderson Cooper off and on, interspersing his show with Matthews, Olberman, and Maddow on MSNBC. The ads that run between segments on CNN are usually paid for by energy companies, claiming that they are investing in alternative energy sources while slipping in ...
The most popular kid on the preschool playground
My younger child just started preschool, the same one that his older sister just graduated from. It’s a developmental school, which I take to mean gentle and child-centered, though I don’t want to sound hung-up on labels. Just as I was last time, when my daughter “transitioned” to preschool, I am the last parent there. ...
Middle-aged PDA
My husband and I are an old couple. While we are still shy of what everyone in their 30s and 40s defines as “middle aged” these days, we are nearing the center point of an optimistic life expectancy. We’re an old couple because we’ve been together for almost half of our lives. We are a ...
Mac lovin’
I’m working on a Mac for the first time since about 1994. In those days, I got the college special, a giant cube with a keyboard purchased at the start of the school year. The ultimate in school supplies, the computer was supposed to make my senior thesis easier to write. It would allow me ...
Leaving Los Angeles
This week we returned from our annual trip to see our families “back East” (as people in California call anything to the east of Phoenix). For the first time in 14 years in Los Angeles, I was not that thrilled about arriving in my adopted home. Maybe it’s the still out-of-control real estate, the nasty ...
Knick-knacks will be the death of me
I just droppped off a whole station wagon’s backside full of goods at the Council for Jewish Women Thrift Shop in West Los Angeles. It’s tough for me to part with my things, even if they make me miserable. This is something I have inherited from two generations of packrat women before me (my mother ...
Where has all the leisure gone?
One of the reasons I started this journal was that summers of my childhood and youth were always filled with books, sleeping late, just enough romance, aimless bike rides in deserted parks, and hours that stretched into weeks of delicious ennui. It was the truest form of down time I have ever had and will ...