A brief history of racism

A brief history of racism

Last week, the Associated Press and other news outlets reported that racial attitudes have gotten worse, not better, since the United States elected its first African American president four years ago in 2008.  Those who admitted to having anti-African American feelings rose from 48% in 2008 to 51% in 2012.  If the researchers included implicit ...

It was 15 years ago today

It was 15 years ago today

The following reminiscence is brought to you by my upcoming anniversary.  I’ve just finished writing a draft of a memoir, including some drama from 1997, and remembering that it was (for me, in the end) a very good year: The artists’ residency is nearing the end.  With horses and panoramic views outside my writing studio ...

Infectious grooves

Infectious grooves

Posted by on Nov 17, 2011 in All, Media, Personal | 5 Comments

One of the many soundtracks running through my head after I turn off the radio is an imaginary list of songs from films I’ve seen. There are a number of popular songs that have been used so perfectly, in my opinion, that I can never again hear the song without also thinking of the scene ...

Bossypants vs the book I can’t name

Posted by on Jul 31, 2011 in All, Family, Los Angeles, Media, Personal | No Comments

So I just read two books in the last month, both by 40-ish women authors, both nonfiction, both at least somewhat about what it is like to be a working mother of small children. One was “Bossypants” by Tina Fey. The other I don’t want to name because I have been a fan of the ...

Sci-fi summer

Posted by on Jun 18, 2011 in Media, Personal | No Comments

This is one of those summers when I’m excited about going to the movies. While there are blockbusters every summer, and every Christmas, the lineup this year seems like the perfect (to me) mix of all my favorite themes – science fiction, superheroes, Steven Spielberg, with a dose of Harry Potter and J.J. Abrams. Yes, ...

RIP Michael Jackson and Farah Fawcett

Posted by on Jun 26, 2009 in Los Angeles, Media, Politics | No Comments

Michael Jackson and Farah Fawcett both died within 5 miles of each other yesterday – Thursday, June 25, 2009 – in West Los Angeles. The only other time that I can remember two such celebrities dying within such a short period of time was in late August, 1997, when both Mother Teresa (in India) and ...

Franken the Vote

Posted by on Jan 6, 2009 in Media, Politics | 2 Comments

Who knew after the decisive Presidential election that we’d have all of this drama about the US Senate in January?  As of now, Caroline Kennedy is making a strong, PR-powered push to replace Hillary Clinton as a senator from New York.  Kennedy first entered the collective consciousness of this election cycle when she joined her ...

The wifing up of Michelle Obama

Posted by on Dec 8, 2008 in Media, Politics | One Comment

Michelle Obama shows a lot of promise as our next First Lady.  I’ll admit that I was turned off by her at first.  She slammed Hillary Clinton in an early magazine interview, saying that if a woman couldn’t control what went on in her own house (meaning letting Bill off-leash), she doubted that she could ...

Politics is the new black

Posted by on Nov 8, 2008 in Los Angeles, Media, Politics | No Comments

It can’t be just my imagination or the circles I travel in.  I think that the 2008 election has actually made politics cool again.  Maybe politics was never cool, or only in the 1960s.  The presidential candidates were more than just “historic” – they made the election worth watching.  We followed their stories and felt ...

Making a fortune on adultery

Posted by on Oct 21, 2008 in Media, Politics | 3 Comments

It takes a lot of money to advertise on CNN.  I’ve been watching Anderson Cooper off and on, interspersing his show with Matthews, Olberman, and Maddow on MSNBC.  The ads that run between segments on CNN are usually paid for by energy companies, claiming that they are investing in alternative energy sources while slipping in ...