Bossypants vs the book I can’t name

Posted by on Jul 31, 2011 in All, Family, Los Angeles, Media, Personal | No Comments

So I just read two books in the last month, both by 40-ish women authors, both nonfiction, both at least somewhat about what it is like to be a working mother of small children. One was “Bossypants” by Tina Fey. The other I don’t want to name because I have been a fan of the ...

Endorphins for the endomorph

Posted by on Jul 4, 2011 in All, Health & Well Being, Los Angeles, Personal | 2 Comments

Note to my future selves: if ever I want to skip my mandatory exercise, don’t do it! Within 20 minutes of the walk I don’t want to take, particularly if I spent the afternoon riding the white horse of milky espresso drinks trying to catch that elusive happy buzz, I feel amazing! It might be ...


Posted by on Jul 1, 2011 in All, Family, Health & Well Being, Los Angeles, Personal | One Comment

It’s summer again, and both of my children are in a day camp near our home. Swimming is part of the camp schedule several days a week. It’s part of what we do in the summers, since we don’t have a pool of our own. We actually DID have a pool, when we first bought ...

School’s out – forever?

Posted by on Jun 3, 2011 in All, Family, Los Angeles, Personal | 2 Comments

My five-year-old son is about to graduate from preschool. It’s the same small preschool his older sister graduated from three years ago and the same one where I have been taking both children since they were two years old in toddler class. Seven years ago, when I first visited the preschool, I had no idea ...

The nest overfloweth

Posted by on May 24, 2011 in Los Angeles, Personal | 2 Comments

As I stood in the Culver City Petsmart, wanting to take home Buddy the green-cheeked conure, I tried to understand my own logic. He was certainly pretty, a small green parrot with a long red tail, a yellow and red chest, and hints of blue flight feathers on the underside of his wings. And he ...

No-longer-empty nest

Posted by on May 23, 2011 in Los Angeles, Personal | No Comments

Here’s a story I’ve been thinking about lately. If you know me you may know that my six-year-old dog Saki died a few days before Christmas. She’d been sick with glaucoma and skin problems, but she ended up dying of aggressive lymphoma. I have so many regrets that come down to feeling like I could ...

B.M. part two

Posted by on May 22, 2011 in Los Angeles, Personal, Real estate | 2 Comments

So, here’s what I’ve learned about moving when you’re not so young anymore: it’s hellishly purgatorial for longer than you think it will be. And we only moved about a mile away from our last home. Seven months after the moving trucks left, I’m not so much unpacking boxes as still hanging family pictures, finding ...

The B.M. (big move)

Posted by on May 22, 2011 in Los Angeles, Personal, Real estate | One Comment

Readers (hi Mom!): you may wonder why I’ve not written – again – in almost a year. It was a LONG time between the last post and the second to last post as well. So, I’ve had another one of those years. Last year it was the double-room-parent conundrum at my children’s two school. (That ...

Willow Witt Ranch

Posted by on Jun 30, 2010 in Los Angeles, Personal | No Comments

What does it say about life in Los Angeles that staying in a bare bones, one room cabin in Oregon with my entire family (all five of us) while we all suffered from a stomach virus – was SO RELAXING compared to my life this past year in the comfort of my own home! For ...

Round we go

Posted by on Jun 27, 2009 in Health & Well Being, Los Angeles, Personal | No Comments

Posting anything has been a challenge lately. We recently let go of our babysitter, and my husband has been unable to drive because of a chronic health issue. So I’m the driver-in-chief of our two children to their two different schools and have taken on a lot of new household responsibilities. Needless to say, my ...