Jenny Sanford – have you considered a political run?

Posted by on Jun 27, 2009 in Politics | 2 Comments

CNN reported that Jenny Sanford was quoted as saying that her husband’s political career was not a concern of hers, and that whether or not he was in her future, she would not only survive but thrive. Where was this woman when McCain was looking for a female GOP running mate to take Hillary swing voters? I’m only sort of kidding… Seriously, kudos for not pulling a Mrs. Spitzer.


  1. susansheu
    June 27, 2009

    It appears as though Governor Sanford both had an affair and used taxpayer money to fund his affair. He’s now offering to reimburse “some” of the state money he used to visit Argentina. Maybe he should have taken the stimulus money, used some for his trips, and then he could find a way to blame Obama for his affair?


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