A few days ago, beloved actor Leonard Nimoy passed away at age 83 after being ill with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The Internet was awash in memories and sadness. I was busy all day but noticed the outpouring on social media. He meant a lot to me, as he did to many science fiction loving […]
Motherhood, Smotherhood: a hilarious book on the sometimes non-hilarious world of parenting
Motherhood Smotherhood by J.J. Keith My rating: 5 of 5 stars I enjoyed this book immensely and wish it had been around when I had my first child many years ago. It might have saved me from many lost hours I can never get back reading and listening to a lot of judgmental, absolutist BS […]
Annie Hall, 2014
The other night “Annie Hall” was on cable. I’d forgotten in all the Woody Allen pedophilia and incest allegations in the news in the last year that I really loved some of his early movies, including this one from 1977. I’m pretty sure I saw this movie in the mid-1980s in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I […]

I wanna know what love is
“There is hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations and yet fails so regularly as love.” –Erich Fromm Last month I began reading this book. It’s a challenging book, a short, dense, mid-century tome, written by a European psychoanalyst and social theorist. In short, despite the title The […]

Facebooking your freak out
Facebook is amazing. And awful. We all know that. I’ve been on Facebook for about four years, and I credit being connected to various people from all times in my life to feeling better about sad times, like when I announce that I’m sad as I observe the death anniversary of my father or […]
Private Matters and Choices
What did the old fashioned feminists and political moderates used to say? That abortion ought to be safe, legal, and rare? Also, that it was a private matter, one for a woman (and in the case of a married woman, she and her husband) to discuss and decide. I remember the conservative politicians in the […]
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